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New features and changes

7.1.0: September 26, 2024

  • Feat: Migrate internal persistance from Realm to Coredata
  • Feat: Handle previous user push notification, on logout the previous user is not removed from notifications
    • MeetingDoctors.logout(shouldClearPushToken: false) by default shouldClearPushToken is true
  • Feat: Manage multi api key

7.0.1: June 2024

  • Fix: Regressions from Realm removal
  • Feat: Integrated new Push notification

7.0.0: June 2024

  • Feat: Remove Realm framework

  • Feat: Move Style properties:

    • showCollegiateNumber =>
    • showProfessionalListHeader =>
  • Feat: Remove parameters from init:

    • From:
    func initialize(_ application: UIApplication,
    with configuration: MeetingDoctors.Configuration,
    options _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?,
    completion: ((MeetingDoctorsResult<MeetingDoctorsInstallationType>) -> Void)? = nil) -> UUID?
    • To:
    func initialize(with configuration: MeetingDoctors.Configuration,
    completion: ((MeetingDoctorsResult<MeetingDoctorsInstallationType>) -> Void)? = nil) -> UUID?

6.2.1: July 2024

  • Feat: Add new specialities

6.2.0: July 2024

  • Feat: Remove Lottie SDK, and use .gif instead
  • Feat: Expose booking capability
  • Feat: Update primary color reactive
  • Feat: Expose VC information bullets
  • Fix: Retain cycle with clousures

6.1.6: June 2024

  • Feat: Integrated new Push notification
  • Feat: Make deeplinks on feeds more flexible

6.1.5: May 2024

  • Fix: Handle status 3 on feeds

6.1.4: May 2024

  • Fix: Sign SDK

6.1.3: May 2024

  • Feat: Add style.feature.permission.main
  • Feat: Add style.feature.permission.pending

6.1.2: May 2024

  • Feat: Notices view title to html

6.1.1: May 2024

  • Fix: PrivacyInfo "Active Keyboards" key
  • Fix: Event user_session

6.1.0: April 2024

  • Fix: Remove duplicate files in launch of the SDK
  • Feat: Move to Xcode 15.3

6.0.2: April 2024

  • Fix: SSL pinning cert STG

6.0.1: April 2024

  • Feat: Update Realm to allow update of privacy
  • Feat: Show alert on sending file of more thann 5.9MB
  • Feat: Expose feedsViewController

6.0.0: April 2024

  • Feat: Removal of Support for CocoaPods
  • Feat: Addoption of Swift Package Manager
  • Feat: Add PrivacyInfo

5.6.0: March 2024

  • Feat: Add style.strings.myhealth.feedTabTitle
  • Feat: Add style.strings.myhealth.medicalHistoryTabTitle
  • Feat: Add style.strings.feed.featuredHeaderTitle
  • Feat: Add style.strings.feed.useCasesHeaderTitle
  • Feat: Add new notices view
  • Feat: Parametrizable Medical History
  • Feat: Datepicker style to wheels
  • Feat: Update entities from realm

5.5.6: March 2024

  • Fix: T&C view
  • Feat: Add isTAndCNeeded
  • Feat: Add isTAndCNeeded
  • Feat: Add hasVideoCall

5.5.5: February 2024

  • Fix: SSL Pinning on production
  • Fix: Setup nullable
  • Fix: Professional profile speciality adjust number of lines and font

5.5.4: February 2024

  • Fix: Some catalan translations

5.5.3: February 2024

  • Fix: Some catalan translations

5.5.2: January 2024

  • Fix: T&C TextColor
  • Fix: FloatyButton visibility
  • Feat: Remove NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription

5.5.1: January 2024

  • Fix: Init VC
  • Feat: Add Style String properties:
    • style.strings.videocall.permissionSet.description
    • style.strings.videocall.permissionSet.actionButton

5.5.0: January 2024

  • Feat: Update to Xcode 15.1
  • Feat: Remove Style properties:
    • titleColor
    • preferredStatusBarStyle
    • navigationBarOpaque
    • navigationBarTintColor
    • navigationBarBackIndicatorImage

5.4.9: December 2023

  • Feat: Deprecate some style configurations (will be removed in future releases)
  • Feat: Partial remove of RxSwift
  • Feat: Expose contactSpecialityCode in MeetingDoctorsMessageType

5.4.8: November 2023

  • Fix: Badge aspect ratio from professional list
  • Feat: Update Cert for Pinning
  • Feat: Add flag showNotificationPermission

5.4.7: November 2023

  • Feat: Remove all imports from AdSupport
  • Feat: Update unowned with weak on clousures
  • Feat: Add some more specialities
  • Fix: Primary button without image
  • Feat: Add NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet on inet connection error

5.4.6: October 2023

  • Feat: Update OTXCFramework
  • Fix: Statusbar style in permission handle