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  • The android minimum version for the SDK is 6.0 (API 23)
minSdkVersion: 23

Changes in build.gradle


Our old repository (JFrog) will not be available soon, please replace the maven URL with the following ""

  • Add repository.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
  • Declare library in dependencies section.
implementation 'com.meetingdoctors:customer-chat-sdk:{last_version}' //See Release Notes


  • Initialize library on your Application.onCreate() class. Api Key is a constant string provided by MeetingDoctors.
MeetingDoctorsClient.newInstance(this, "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
<ENCRYIPTION_PASSWORD> "yourEncryptionPassword",
// If ENABLE_DATA_ENCRYPTION is false -> ""
<LOCALE> "yourLocaleLanguage");
//e.g. val locale = Locale("es")
//If you do not want to set specific local just set <LOCALE> to null,
//Locale configuration will be handled by Android system as usual

Screenshots Feature

Screenshots captures can ve enabled easily via following method:

MeetingDoctorsClient.newInstance(this, "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
<ENCRYIPTION_PASSWORD> "yourEncryptionPassword",
<LOCALE> "yourLocaleLanguage")

User Authentication

  • Before showing a ProfessionalList view you should authenticate user. userToken is a constant string that will allow you to validate user from your own server. Contact for more information.
MeetingDoctorsClient.instance?.authenticate(token ,object: MeetingDoctorsClient.AuthenticationListener {
override fun onAuthenticated() {
/* your code here */
override fun onAuthenticationError(throwable: Throwable) {
/* your code here */
  • In 1.44.7 version and later, if you code is written in JAVA, you must add a false to the authenticate method.
MeetingDoctorsClient.Companion.getInstance().authenticate(token, new MeetingDoctorsClient.AuthenticationListener() {
public void onAuthenticated() {
/* your code here */

public void onAuthenticationError(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {
/* your code here */