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Chat Events

It's possible to handle several events from SDK:

  • UnreadMessagesCount
  • ChatView
  • ProfessionalProfileView
  • ChatMessageSent
  • ChatMessageReceived

Events Implementing

UnreadMessagesCount can be captured calling it from Professionallist Sdk's component:

professionalList.setProfessionalListListener(object: ProfessionalList.ProfessionalListListener {
override fun onUnreadMessageCountChange(unreadMessageCount: Long) {
//Do your stuff
// note: 'unreadmessageCount' parameter means the total amount of user's unread messages


Chat View, ProfesisonalProfileView, ChatMessageSent and ChatMessageReceived events are captured via BroadcastReceiver. Each event has its own properties, the Intent of the BroadcastReceiver contains them:

  • ChatMessageSent & ChatMessageReceived Intent bundle properties: "eventType", "roomId", "professionalHash", "speciality", "messageType", "messageId" & "message".
  • ProfessionalProfileView Intent bundle properties: "eventType", "professionalHash", "speciality".
  • ChatView Intent bundle properties: "eventType", "roomId", "professionalHash", "speciality".
// 1. Create your broadcast receiver
class EventAppBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
var eventProperties: Bundle? = null

override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent) {
// Capturing bundle from the intent
eventProperties = intent.extras

//e.g Show a toast message with info related to event 'ChatMessageReceived' by the professional
Toast.makeText(context, "Chat event type: ${eventProperties?.getString("eventType")} " +
"${eventProperties?.getString("speciality")} " +
"${eventProperties?.getString("messageType")} " +
"${eventProperties?.getString("message")}", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

// 2. Declare your BroadcastReceiver on your Activity
val eventAppBroadCastReceiver: BroadcastReceiver = EventAppBroadcastReceiver()

// 3. Register your BroadcastReceiver, e.g. on your OnResume() method

// Optional. If its needed to stop capturing events, unregister your Broadcastreceiver, e.g. on your OnPause() method