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The MeetingDoctors User API is a server-to-server RESTful API. JSON is used to encode all data transfer in both directions, so that everything sent to and everything received from the API gets encoded in JSON.


To work with this API, MeetingDoctors will provide you a set of credentials for authentication, which must be added in the header of all requests.

apiKeyIntegration identifier.
secretKeySecurity key only used for server-to-server communications.

HTTP Error Codes

All the API methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) might fail with an error in the 400 range, which usually means that either the resource is not available (for example, trying to update a user that was previously deleted), or a mistake was made in the URL.

HTTP CodeDescription
400 Bad RequestMalformed request syntax. For example, apiKey is missing.
401 Authentication failureFor example, apiKey or secretKey are invalid.
403 Authorization failureThe provided credentials doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
404 Page not foundThe requested resource doesn't exist
405 Method not allowedFor example, if you are performing a POST on a resource that only allows PUT.
406 Invalid payloadThe JSON request payload was constructed improperly.